Diabetes Friendly Thursdays Makes A Come Upward Back!

DFT is dorsum together with dorsum alongside a bang! We couldn't cause got chosen a amend calendar month for the come upwards back, other than NOVEMBER!!

The American Diabetes Association observes Diabetes Month every November. Raising awareness of this ever-growing affliction is 1 of the primary efforts behind the mission of the Association. American Diabetes Month® (ADM) is an of import chemical constituent inwards this effort, alongside programs designed to focus the nation's attending on the issues surrounding diabetes together with the many people who are impacted past times the disease. For to a greater extent than data , click here! 

We cause got made changes alongside the badge of DFT! It is to a greater extent than self describing together with stands inwards back upwards of our DFT Chapter.

The Blue Circle on the exceed is the Universal Blue Circle Symbol for Diabetes, likewise known equally Diabetes mellitus !

The Food Triangle shown at the bottom purpose of the badge, is the "suggested" nutrient triangle for a diabetic!

For to a greater extent than Information on Diabetes together with its symptoms, delight click here!  

To know if you lot or individual you lot dear is at guide chances of developing diabetes, click here.

When Sonal suggested to selection my v favorite DFT recipes for the comeback post, I had a difficult time! All the DFT posts are made alongside much reckon given to the content, the ingredients used, their appropriateness to the diabetic population together with fifty-fifty to the appeal factor. Food has to non alone survive healthy, it has to await practiced together with gustatory modality good. Personally, for me whatever recipe that I would inculcate has to survive simple, quick together with easy.  

Here is my collection of my favorite DFT posts:
Warning - These suggestions are made on a full general basis. Please do non consume all the below mentioned dishes inwards 1 day. Keep inwards heed your daily calorie intake together with the amount of exercise you lot incorporate!

1. Breakfast idea:  Moong-dal Dosa (split moong-bean crepes)

     For RECIPE, click here!

2.  Snack Idea: Quick Masala Peanuts

3.  Drink Idea: Strawberry-Watermelon-Kiwi Cooler

        For RECIPE, click here!

4.  Appetizer idea: Salmon Kebabs

         For RECIPE, click here!

5.  Dinner idea: Butternut Squash Soup

     For RECIPE, click here!


I am non a nutritionist or dietician. My noesis together with data is based on my enquiry together with reading from unlike resources. Please consult your physician or dietician earlier making whatever changes to your diet.

Other DFT contributors  and their collages alongside Links!







I am linking this to Throwback Thursday, Angie's Fiesta Friday#94 & Saucy Sat to spread the word. Judi @ cookingwithauntjuju together with Stef @ The Kiwi Fruit are co-hosting the Fiesta Fri this week!