Superfood Salad; Meatless Monday

The past times few weeks get got been filled amongst festivities too feasting what amongst the Indian festival of Diwali too the American Thanksgiving. We get got been overindulging ourselves. There are to a greater extent than holidays to come upward amongst Christmas too New Year's Day only about the corner!! Holidays hateful lots of celebrations too parties which agency lots of food!! We all know that the tables are laden amongst rich nutrient making us swallow nearly or to a greater extent than than the entire day's worth of calories inwards 1 meal!! NO, I am non beingness the grinch!! Indulgence inwards rich nutrient in 1 lawsuit inwards a spell is absolutely fine. There is null incorrect inwards it. The indicate I am trying to brand is that nosotros remove to residuum these rich meals amongst healthy, depression calorie meals. That is non difficult at all. With a piddling planning it tin move easily achieved, similar this Superfood Salad that is super slow to excogitation too make, won't interruption the banking corporation too is filled amongst all practiced nutrients from a multifariousness of fruits too vegetables! Try this too allow me know your thoughts. It is versatile plenty that yous tin add together ingredients of your choice, salubrious of course!  I honey to get got this for dinner too leftover for the next-day lunch!

Psst.. I brand extra then that I tin get got it to luncheon the side past times side day!

Servings: 4-6 ( two cups per person)


Baby greens : iii cups ( a mix of babe spinach, kale too arugula)
Cucumber: 1 medium-sized, deseeded & chopped.
Tomato: 1 medium-sized, chopped.
Avocado: 1 medium, peeled, pitted too diced.
Orange/ tangerine: 1 medium, peeled, deseeded too cutting into segments.
Kiwi: 1 medium
Green apple: 1 medium, peeled, cored too diced.
Onion: 1 medium sized, sliced
Shredded carrot: 1/4 cup
Olives: 8, sliced
Pomegranate seeds: two tbsp
Feta cheese: 2-3 tbsp

For the vinaigrette ( dressing):

Lemon juice: four tbsp
Vinegar: two tbsp
Olive oil: vi tbsp
Salt: 1/2 tsp ( tin move adjusted equally per private taste)
Black pepper: 1/2 tsp


In a modest jolt add together all the ingredients listed nether " for the vinaigrette" too milkshake well. Keep aside.

Take a bowl. Add to it the chopped cucumber, sliced onions, chopped tomatoes, chopped apple, shredded carrots, one-half of the sliced olives, one-half of the feta cheese too one-half of the pomegranate seeds. Reserve the repose for garnishing.  Add the vinaigrette equally much equally needed too mix well.

To serve:

In a plate/ salad bowl, layer the greens until the entire bottom of the plate/bowl is covered. Now add together a loving cup of the to a higher house salad. Top it amongst orange/tangerine segments, chopped avocado, kiwi slices too to a greater extent than of the feta cheese, pomegranate seeds too olives if yous wish.

Serve chilled.

I am linking this postal service to Throwback Thursday, Angie's FiestaFriday too Saucy Saturdays.The co-hosts for Fiesta Fri are Johanne@French Gardener Dishes too Liz@spades, spatulas & spoons.

Cooking made easy:

The salad to a higher house may await too audio real fancy but it actually isn't. Most of the ingredients used to a higher house are optional. By that what I hateful is that yous could set whatever ingredients that yous get got available inwards your kitchen. If yous add together to a greater extent than or less it doesn't brand a gigantic difference.

If yous experience that layering spell serving is likewise much of a bother, only mix all the ingredients except the greens.

Alternatively, yous tin mix everything too serve the vinaigrette on the side. If yous mix the leaves amongst the vinaigrette, the salad becomes soggy. I do this when I get got leftover salad for luncheon the side past times side day! I honey it.

I also brand a big batch of the vinaigrette too run along it handy for time to come use.

Tip for salubrious living:

We oft remove heed the term " superfood"!! What are considered superfoods?? What just is a superfood??
By definition, superfood is nutrient that is considered to move real practiced for your wellness too which may fifty-fifty deal some medical conditions.  It is also defined equally a nutrient-rich nutrient considered to move specially beneficial for wellness too well-being. Some of the mutual nutrient items that are considered super-food are berries, nuts, seeds, nighttime dark-green vegetables similar spinach, kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts too broccoli, citrus fruits, obese fish similar salmon, mackerel too sardines. Colorful vegetables similar beets, sweetness potatoes; many legumes too whole grains are also considered equally superfoods. Basically, from the to a higher house paragraph, nosotros tin clearly encounter that these are the nutrient items that traditionally our ancestors get got ever been eating , but from which nosotros get got moved away too are directly eating to a greater extent than of the processed food. Anything fresh that is non processed too has colors is nutrient-dense too thus makes it a "superfood"!

The term " superfood" is null but a marketing gimmick trying to larn the attending of consumers too trying to redirect them towards salubrious eating habits. My affair is that " whatever it takes to brand people eat to a greater extent than healthy!" 


Food for thought:

The solely way to savor anything is to earn it first. Ginger Rogers