Coco-Choco-Nut Bars ;Meatless Monday

Bars amongst nuts

Bars without nuts

Often nosotros run into recipes on the dorsum of nutrient packages similar that on the dorsum of carbohydrate package, flour packet , within of the butter carton as well as completely disregard it! Well, I likewise am guilty of that!! I normally similar to assay out recipes that receive got been made as well as tested yesteryear people as well as thence the recipes receive got been shared. But this fourth dimension I decided to endure adventurous as well as practice something that I receive got never done before( well, except for the chocolate chip cookies)! I tried a recipe that was on the dorsum of a package! Of course, me beingness me, I had to alter the recipe as well as adjust it to my needs. I used whole wheat flour instead of all role flour( maida). I reduced the amount of carbohydrate than what was listed equally I idea that the suggested amount was an awful lot as well as also because I don't similar my desserts likewise sweet. I added nuts to one-half of the pan as well as kept the other one-half nut-free equally my boy has nut allergies. I sprinkled the nuts on occur instead of mixing it in. This means I could clearly demarcate the constituent amongst nuts as well as the constituent without nuts. I  receive got to tell that I am glad I tried it! I liked both the constituent amongst the nuts as well as the i without. It has a squeamish slightly crunchy outside as well as a soft cakey interior. This recipe is definitely a keeper! And to mean value that I receive got been getting brownish carbohydrate for God knows how many years now!! Here is the slowly as well as delicious recipe.

Bars amongst nuts

Servings : makes 24 medium-sized bars


Coconut oil: 1 loving cup ( whatever cooking fossil oil tin flame endure used.
Brown sugar: two cups + 1/2 tbsp
Eggs: 3, large
Whole wheat flour: two cups+ 1 tsp
Baking powder: 2  1/2 tsp
Vanilla essence: 1 tsp
Chocolate chips : 1 loving cup ( I used Nestle morsels)
Dried shredded coconut: 1 cup
Chopped pecans: 1/2 loving cup ( optional)
Salt: 1/2 tsp


Preheat the oven to 375 F.

Grease a 13"x 9"x 2" baking pan as well as continue aside.

Sift together two cups flour, baking pulverisation as well as common salt as well as continue aside.

Mix together the chopped pecans, 1/2 tbsp brownish carbohydrate as well as 1 tsp flour inwards a loving cup as well as continue aside.

Cream together fossil oil as well as two cups sugar. Add eggs i at a fourth dimension beating good later each egg. Add the vanilla essence.

Add the sifted flour mixture to the inwards a higher house mixture fiddling at a time, mixing it good inwards between, until all the flour has been used.

Stir inwards the chocolate chips.

Pour this into the greased tray.

Sprinkle the pecans/brown carbohydrate mixture on occur of the batter inwards one-half of the tray.( optional)

Place the tray on the middle rack of the oven as well as bake for 25-35 minutes or until a toothpick comes out build clean when inserted inwards the middle. Mine was done inwards just xxx minutes!

When done , accept the baking pan out as well as allow it cool downward completely ( atleast 1-2 hours) earlier cutting it into pieces. Mine don't expect that pretty equally I never practice a nifty project cutting! But it tastes absolutely great!

Couldn't resist a seize amongst teeth earlier taking a picture!

Do assay it as well as operate out me a feedback. I am bringing these goodies to Throwback Th #10, Fiesta Fri # 90 as well as Saucy Saturday. At the Fiesta,Effie @ Food Daydreaming as well as Lindy @ Lindy Mechefske are co-hosting this weekend.

Bars amongst nuts

Bars without nuts

Cooking made easy:

Make certain that the baking pan is thoroughly greased otherwise the bars volition stick to the bottom of the pan as well as non come upwards out clean.

All role flour or maida tin flame endure used for this cake. That yet would endure a less good for you lot option.

Tip for good for you lot living:

Use whole grain flours similar whole wheat, oat or multigrain flours whenever possible. These are much to a greater extent than nutrient-dense amongst much needed dietary fiber as well as vitamins as well as minerals.

Food for thought:

I receive got friends inwards overalls whose friendship I would non swap of the favor of the kings of the world. Thomas A. Edison